Navi and Zen 2 Launching in Q3

I always thought you were an AMD employee.


Pure speculationā€¦how about an 8 core APU with integrated Navi GPU on the other chiplet? Maybe next year sometimeā€¦

In my opinion these APUā€™s lack that GPU power so I would rather really have it being very large GPU and then whatever space is left for CPU, than the other way around :man_shrugging:t2:

More powerful GPU in APU would need more RAM bandwidth.
Not much can be done on AM4 except cramming HBM there too.

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I was thinking more along the lines of using the onboard GPU for Linux, and the dedicated GPU for a Windows VM. But Iā€™m sure some entry level gamers would enjoy an 8 core + iGPU.

Am I remembering incorrectly or did AMD do a ray tracing demo back in like 2008/9 for the dragon platform? I remember them showing it off and nothing came of it.

I found it.