I’m using amdgpu-pro-19.30-934563-ubuntu-18.04 because amdgpu-pro-19.50-967956-ubuntu-18.04 doesn’t work with davinci resolve
with method above Mesa 20.0.3 would no longer load until I removed the packages that gave me opencl 2.0
From what I read on the github rocm currently doesn’t support navi.
Anyone know if an additional step is possible to install amdgpu-pro-19.30-934563 opencl component?
I know the instructions on the link is for legacy, I used opencl-amdgpu-pro-icd instead of opencl-orca-amdgpu-pro-icd which seemed to work, but still failed to load mesa on reboot.
I was hoping this would have worked regardless of navi because it’s a way to avoid messing with the kernel to get opencl 2.0 for amd’s proprietary driver.
From my testing davinci resolve crashes with stock drivers because mesa doesn’t use opencl 2.0 or greater.
I’ve heard rocm only reliably works with davinci resolve with rocm 2.2, apparently you can now select which verison of rocm to run but navi doesn’t support rocm so doesn’t matter anyway.
Davinci Resolve and Navi work with workstation driver 19.30, but the driver starts breaking when you run wine.
If they’re was only a way to use just the opencl peice of 19.30 without pushing mesa back down to 19.2 where it’s unstable.
Not even ./amdgpu-install --opencl=pal --headless or the method above prevent the downgrade.
Do you need your current card’s performance? You assumeably have a 5700 or similar, so why not get something like a 5500 and bind it only to davinci and the 19.30 driver?
It’s not a necessity thing. I’ve got multiple computers to fill my needs. It’s just a desire to learn and figure out how to have a system be able to do everything I want.
I’ve learned a couple things
./amdgpu-install --opencl=pal --no-dkms
Works, but Navi gpu is unstable one mesa 19.2
Unfortunately this causes use of 19.2 not mesa latest
OpenCl technically loads, but no mesa doesn’t load at all. This would happen with any gpu running --headless.
glxinfo | grep “OpenGL version”
MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri:$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri)
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
X Error of failed request: GLXBadContext
Major opcode of failed request: 151 (GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request: 6 (X_GLXIsDirect)
Serial number of failed request: 53
Current serial number in output stream: 52
For whatever response the open and pro driver won’t work with each other. Seems you have to use one or the other.
I’m surprised nobody mentions this at all?
From what I can see the --headless command doesn’t work without extra steps past installing the proprietary driver.
If anyone knows how to load just the opencl bit of the pro driver alongside the open driver let me know.
Looks like I should take a look at ROCM again for vega and older cards, but Navi currently is unsupported.
You may want to hit up Michael over on Phoronix. There is a ways to load parts of the Pro driver for OpenCL and use the opensource drivers for everything else. Unfortunately I have a RadeonHD 7790 so my card is no longer supported by the pro driver to try this out.
I believe that there is some headway from AMD to support navi using OpenMP to support OpenCL and Rocm, and GCC soon. AMD really needs more opensource developers, let alone developers in general.
Current solution for Navi is to install certain packages from 19.30 driver, from my testing 19.50 doesn’t work with Davinci Resolve on any AMD card. I’m guessing a new driver will becoming from AMD soon.
clinfo-amdgpu-pro 32-bit
libopencl1-amdgpu-pro 32 bit
opencl-orca-amdgpu-pro-icd 32 bit
Works with Ubuntu/RHEL8/SLE drivers on Mint, Opensuse Tumbleweed and Fedora 31 as well as Manjaro.
However Navi is not prime time ready.
I did a render of a film I’m working on and they’re were graphical glitches.
I’m testing Vega 56 right now, which appears to look good as it was fine in the timeline.
if not I’ll have to install the full ./amdgpu-install --opencl=pal
which is a reason I love Linux Mint because you can easily drop the kernel to 5.0 or even 4.15 for installing.
I still wish they’re was a way to do an offical install with ./amdgpu-install --opencl= ,but still be able to update mesa. You can update the kernel just not mesa with that method.