Name my Mini ITX Build

The build of my PC is coming very close to being finished, however, I'll be posting images once my setup is 100% complete, as I'm upgrading just about everything from my monitors to my desk to including a NAS enclosure and a networking switch. Etc.

Anyway, as for now, as I'm super close to getting it all finished, I just wanted to try and come up with a name for the build, best recommendation has got to be "Quantum Spark". But I wanna try and get something cooler if possible, I thought it would be a good idea to try and name it after something small, or something small and very powerful, you get the picture.

My build is just very small and powerful, the setup will be mostly wireless other than the monitor, I'll be using Bluetooth for the mouse, keyboard and audio. The PC itself will be built in the Silverstone Raven RVZ02 case, and I may be including some orange LED's in the graphics card chamber to make the GPU more visible, making it more sexual to look at. I was thinking about going for something that looks kinda like this:

Only, I'd try to make the colour of the LED's in the GPU chamber match the colour of the power LED, if I could.


Made me think of one of these :)


Instead of Quantum Spark, I would name it something like Sun Spark, both because it's orange and small, and as an homage to the old Sun Microsystems machines.

Something with Spark in the name is definitely a must imo :D

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I say Quanta's Spark make it more anthropomorphic

Xbox Juan

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How does Solar Spark or Quantum Flare sound? .... Going with the sun theme....

But it's not Mexican enough?

If it were me, I'd go with Solar Spark. Quantum-ness is overused imo. Sounds like something that Alienware would use for one of their machines.

That's just me though :3

Nah, that's a great point, in your defence it is seriously over used and yeah, good point, 10 bonus points.

Could even use Solar Flare, simple.... Sounds nice to me.... Idk if you guys agree?

I'd say a little overused as well... You could name it Sunblade since it's so skinny (and another SunMicro reference xD)

SunMicro would actually be a cute nickname for it.




Mix and match. All of them seem like good names for it!

I would name it AUTO like the ship wheel robot from Wall-E.

  • NoobFurnace
  • RedPwn
  • Crumbmachine
  • Tesserrekt

.... I'm not sure what to say to those recommendations...

Sounds interesting, although I can't say I remember/know the reference...

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Screw it. Solar Spark sounds the best IMO so far...

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  • squid
  • beagle
  • max
  • steeeeeeeve

Steve is just too cool, it would make the name look bad then...

I think I may just use Auto, not bad at all!

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