A few days ago, I saw a post on the youtube channel, where at some point Wendell said something about Raspberry Pi’s and presence detection, and that really got my gears grinding, so here I started my Bluetooth presence detection for my house, and I hope to keep it organized so I/others can access it later. I was going to run stuff in docker, but this thing can barely run nano so I’ll keep it simple for now.
Are you using a Pi? if so, which version?
I have a Pi 1 B that I want to use as my has HomeAssistant controller. but I think that thing is too old and slow. it struggles just handling samba-AD
Yeah, I’m using a Pi Zero, but honestly you want to offload most of the computation to something else, (maybe have one higher-power raspi to act as a hub?) But right now I’m just planning on using IFTTT or MQTT to control lights and such.
Sometimes I can’t believe how simple some solutions are, what you have so far has really gotten me back on track with what I was working on.
All this time I’ve been trying to get a list of nearby devices. Kept getting no results with bluetooth.discover_devices
, then really started digging for stuff with BLE libraries (I have absolutely no idea what any of the mac addresses I found were for)… Then I look at line 12 of homeytracking.py…
I feel silly.
Thank you for posting!
Ha! I’m glad it was helpful, though you should also really thank the person who is sourced in the script, they did most of the hard work, all I did was put it together.