comment all you want!
and i shall be gettong a gts450 tomorrow so ill be getting that 5450 out of there yay
comment all you want!
and i shall be gettong a gts450 tomorrow so ill be getting that 5450 out of there yay
That's pretty sexy, but why are you getting a gtx 450? Save some money and get a real video card.
i want to try getting a club 3d 7870 but thats hard to get in the states
Why would you want a club 3d card? Just get a Sapphire HD 7870 XT.
if you havent noticed i also want to keep the black and red color scheme so my two choices are asus dcu or club3d royal ace
So get the ASUS then...
what do you have against club3d? theyre some of the highest rated gpu's and hard to get your hands on in the states so i think thats what ill try for and if i cant get one then my fall back is the asus