So, I put on my headphones and I´m hearing Don Omar while playing CS.
Same thing happens to my speakers. There is always a faint buzz/fuzz with radio sounds in the background.
Does anyone have any solution other than wrapping the house in tin foil?
So I got one of those that clip around the cable and it does not really help that much. I can still recognize the bee-gees. Could putting tin-foil on the walls around my desk help? LMAO
Where did you put it and how many did you use? I would try using one on each end of the wire but one at the headphones should help a lot. I don't know. Try moving it around the length of the cable and see if that helps.
Search power line filters. It sounds like the wire in your walls have signal noise flowing through them. A filter between your wall and the computers power supply should block the signal from entering the computer.
not sure thats the problem since the capacitors on the psu should act as a lowpass filter. a better trick might be to get some metal screen mesh and cover your devices/headphone wire with it. it's more breathable and durable then tin foil.
You might have to swap out for some shielded speakers or an external DAC (like a FiiO E10k). I had the same problem with some old Antec speakers picking up AM on clear nights.