Overclocks to 900Mhz and doesnt go above 60 degrees :)
Didnt bother with getting the 670 and already had a 7970 I can really justify the prices atm as I dont game much, so bought the 480 for £100 and the Antec Kuhler for £30, Talk about bang for buck!!!!
Lots of people are doing this with Antec Kuhlers atm, theres a guy on a forum who makes brackets for them aswell, but most peole use zip ties, I got a bracket.
I also cut some bits of the shroud to make it fit over the Kuhler, I then got some black see through Plexi glass and cut it to size and stuck it on :P
Getting good temps from a 480 while over clokign the nuts off it should be unheard of haha
That. Is. Awesome! Where can I get one of these brackets? Also, how much did the bracket cost? Finally, does the blower fan move and do the non GPU (RAM and such) components stay cool? (P.S. Why in the world do you have a 7970 and 480 if you don't game much?)
There really isnt a need for the bracket as zip ties will do just as good, and if you use zip ties you wont have to cut bits of the shroud to make it fit on over the bracket, plus if you make a little window like me zip ties would look allot nicer.
The origional heatplate on the 480 which is what cools the RAM stays on, and the 480 fan is cooling the VRM's and RAM over the heatplate as normal except they are actually about 5-10 degrees cooler because usually you would have a very hot heatsink right above the cooling plate and VRM's warming it up.
Got to say really happy with it.... its quiet and cool and overclocked, and if it can do that with a 480 which is probably one of the hottest cards it would be great for any new cards.
Im probably getting a 670 near the end of the year when they are a good price and I no doubt have more time to play more games, so will use the Kuhler for that when I get round to it.
It really is an extremely cheap way to semi watercool yout GPU! Much better than most third party heatsinks and is actually cheaper too, you can get Kuhlers for a good price.
Yep the blower fan and heatplate which cools the RAM acts as normal and the VRM's+heatplate get cooled by the fan, and the temps have actually dropped aswell because now there isnt a hot heatsink directly above them.
The reason for changing GPU's so much is I like to sell things just at the right time before their price drops so I dont lose money (plus I just liek playing with different things :P) . And I have the BenQ 2420T 3D monitor and I wanted to try 3D so I sold the 7970 before the price dropped and Bought a 570, 3D kit and a 3D Projector, is awesome.
I was going to get a 670 or even the 690 so sold the 570 to do so, but like I said priorites have changed and I dont spend as much time on the PC, so I just got a 480 for now.
I got a spare 620 which would be beast on my 480... but I also got a EVGA Step Up to use in less than 10 days. Do you know if that guy is making brackets for the 600 cards?