My (high) school is going "NSA" on their students

I said that i was opposed to having students buy their own equipment. Its bad for the poor both on initial purchase and repair costs.(screens are going to break) If you have a problem with the required purchase of tablets for school take go to the school board meetings they are public. Also you can school choice out to another district.

edit(This is for public schools no idea on private)

My problem is people agreeing to to the Eula then complaining afterwards.(as long as the eula is in plain English and not 20 pages long)

Either that was long ago or your school IT was bad at their jobs. That's the sort of stuff a district could lose funding over.

edit missing word

Really? How? I have a school chromebook and I want to put Ubuntu on there but I can't and was wondering how.

If it is a school laptop you should not. the crouton method wont be possible if configured right.

Complete fucking rubbish. If you live in CA you could go against them with William Uniform Complaint Procedure:
There might be something for you guys in your state, gl man
Again, the american education system strikes again

That sounds awesome but the school needs funding. The place I go they have put up firewalls even though vpn's are easy to install and use. The thing I want next is the admin hash for the bios password, LINUX LIVE CD.

Or just actually have something like they have in Ca(yes, that Ca, =p) called the william uniform procedure thing which requires educators to provide materials.
My school now has chromebooks for each classroom that needs them(couple hundred, it switches hands often) so I can say the edu system did something?

But yeah, they are HYPOCRITICAL totalitarians(edu system says individualism is good, but you can only live your life certain ways(you can't promote "alternative lifestyles and you can't be right wind in any way since that's not "accepting" and NRA is big no-no)???)

I do have problems with lots of things in schools. all the testing and curriculum that gets forced on us by people who know nothing about education. school should not teach you what to think but how to think.(critical thinking, not being tricked by a salesman/politician/journalist, and general indoctrination)

I believe as long as the school is doing what is required they wont lose funding over a superuser student getting past the content filter.

a vpn can be blocked with a proper configuration on the firewall. It is a arms race of security holes and patches.

good point, I like you

BACK TO THE TOPIC, its compete bullshit how the school expects all their students to buy iPads, OUT OF THEIR OWN EXPENSE and ARE FORCED TO SIGN A DOCUMENT TO INSTALL A SURVEILLANCE APP ON THEIR DEVICES


Surprised this got the school board. parents must be wealthy and don't care about privacy to fight this. If it was school owned device or voluntary it wouldn't be a issue. I would really like to know if this is a public or private school thought. It would explain alot.

same, is it a public or private school. If its public school, this is bullshit, quite frankly. If it is private, shill bullshit, but for you

That is my gripe, PUTS ON TINFOIL HAT Yes the Dept of Education can do good things, set on good intentions, but as of late it seems more like a power grab to transfer ownership of the youth from the families and parents to the control of the state.


quite true actually. also, I didn't say dpt of edu in Ca was doing good things(demoting traditional values and demoting self-defense and other bullshit), its just that they are forced to follow this

and the modern parent dose not seem to care as long as long as their kids don't see adult content. seems like some parents would rather the state do their job for them.

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They don't care until they are arrested for keeping there kid home sick 1 to many days from school.

They don't care until their kid has weapon charges on his perm record for a finger gun at recess or biting a poptart into a gun and playing with it.

Parents need to wake up and if they never do and its still possible I will home school my kids when I have them.
That way they have a chance.



Heil Grammar!
Also, about the gun stuff, what the fuck

Fixed, its the public schools fault for not drilling that into me X D!