My first case mod was a success ! Probably the first black and yellow H440 too (used to be orange). New build, come at me bro!
Lol nope. I did a yellow and black one a few months back.
Sorry about that, I am just quite proud of it. Good job.
Well hot-damn! You have good taste my friend :)
Most would disagree. Yellow and black is just not popular in the PC world. At least not compared to ... every other colour actually. At work at the moment but I will drop a link when I get home to compare notes.
Did you use vinyl dye? Got a picture?
Lol. The site was having issues for both of us. I look forward to seeing yours!
Most would disagree. Yellow and black is just not popular in the PC world. At least not compared to ... every other colour actually. At work at the moment but zibob will drop a link when zibob gets home to compare notes.
Sorry about that I was on a phone with very bad wifi, fixed the multi post now.
My lighting was pretty shitty when taking pictures, but the yellow on mine is about the same as yours looks like in the picture you put up.
I must say I am really really liking the way yours looks. That should be a standard option.
EDIT: Links for album of other pictures.
That looks REALLY good. nice work!
Aww dude that is fantastic! If you used vinyl dye you would have got through a few cans. I had a look at the whole album and it looks better at every angle. (been busy, sorry for massive delay in the reply)
It is nothing stellar. I actually prefer yours. But yeah yellow and black looks great either way.
Edit: It was acrylic spray paint. Not a great idea. It remains some what sticky for life. I would love to do another one really professional in a car shop. Metallic and mirror finish. Mmmmm yes.
I love the color scheme. Post some more hi-res image so we can see the paint job better.
Can't stand cyan boards. Make it black, red, white, grey, silver or gold... not that weird blue.
I know but I don't look inside my case nearly at all so it does not bother me. Function is what I want for day to day. Sure if I made a show PC all the parts would be selected for matching aesthetic.
These would look great with some MSI X-Power boards to match. Some Kingston Hyper-X NA'VI ram, A cryorig cool and some MSI Lightning cards! All the bumblebee.
Sure can. Well sorta... leave fore holiday > do build > make a TS post :) What a time to be alive!
Wiz Khalifa would be proud
Nice work
Function comes before style for me as well, but seriously I can't stand that blue... I like the aesthetic of MSI, higher end Asus boards, and EVGA boards. Although of I wasn't showing off components I would go with the most functional board.
BFalcon, did you repaint the black? Or is that the stock? If you repainted what did you use? That looks very reminiscent "house or kolor" black. Very good work though, looks really neat. I like the colours they contrast really well.
Hey dude,
The black was stock H440 from NZXT. I went with the orange version because that was their closest colour to yellow and for the early coats the base showed. The black is treated steel iirc.