The Parts Are From PcPartPicker -
Tell Me If U Think There Is Any Money That i Could Save To Reduce The Price
The Parts Are From PcPartPicker -
Tell Me If U Think There Is Any Money That i Could Save To Reduce The Price
You could probably get a 750wat power supply unless you are going to CrossFire/SLI,
I do not think you really need 32gigs of RAM unless you are doing some hardcore editing,
I came up with this for intel:
You can always get a cheaper case or monitor as well
Hoped that helped
You can actually use 32GB of RAM if you want. I have 32GB and use 16 for a RAMDisk and Fancy Cache (google them).
You could get a 670 instead of a 680. The price to performance gain is hard to justify unless you just want the best possible (within reason, which means no Titan).
Unless you are going to get an obscene amount of hard drives later or water cool, I would get a smaller and cheaper case.
Why are you buying an Optical Drive? ... USB Flash Drives are fine for installing anything you'd need.
The 850Watt is fine if you are indeed going to SLI, but I think you could get a 750watt PSU and still be fine even with SLI then.
u can use 2 tb hdd as you have to do video editing,use nvidia gtx 670,get 2 gb flavour unless you dont use multi displays,do you really need blu ray reader?,get 750 watt supply unless you are planning to upgrade in futurer or use multi gpu is your choice :)
What video editing SW and what games are you playing?
If you're going all out, grab 2 ASUS ips panel monitors. . My favorite monitor eva.
Get a 7200 RPM 2TB hard drive.
Corsair 650D is sick as fuck and alot cheaper.
I think you need windows 7 professional to use all the RAM!
Why not grab a 4GB 680 with an aftermarket cooler.
You do - Windows 7 HP only supports 16GB. I would get Windows 8, any way, for the SSD optimization, etc. Just use Logan's video on how to "de-suck" it.
Start is back is amazing, and is really cheap