My first Gaming Rig


I am thinking a long time about making my first gaming rig because i wan't to move away from my console.

I don't have allot of money to make one but I already picked the parts. Do you guys got any better components for this rig ? :

I also need to buy a monitor but i already got a hand on one so thats why my pc specs are lower than i wanted to have a couple months ago.

I am from Europe so I picked the parts from the local store here in Euro's, is there a way to set pounds to euro's in partspicker?


Change the country in the top right corner

Are you in the uk?

454.61 EURO.

Isn't a 1gb ram GPU short for games like bf3 and dayz mod for arma II?

Video ram really has more to do with what you are running for monitors. I would say for 1080 or less, 1gb is going to suit you just fine.

Thanks for the information ;)