My first ever Pc build

Is there a thread for suggestions if I want to build a PC? New here, so not really sure how/where to look. I’ve never tried it myself and it really looks not that hard (apart from picking the right parts…which I have zero experience)

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You open your own thread, you give your budget, use case (VMs, gaming, content creation), specific software you use the most, any special requirements (dual monitors, circus RGB, optical drive, hot swap, etc) and people way smarter than me will answer your questions.

Welcome. The lounge is on the left, run while you still can. I didn’t and 10 years later I am still here…

Just don’t ask the verge…


The best thing is start a thread
Say your budget
if you have a monitor
might want to avoid what OS you plan to use :slight_smile:
what country your in
assume no one will read your current pc specs

It’s really easy, even a truck driver can do it :slight_smile:

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