MX Records.?

Also internally I am getting this guys and thats after setting it to pure nat

I have not been able to connect locally eitherā€¦ Outlook keeps failing to connect

Out outlook mail client should look like this
Server: internal ip
Username: what ever you set
Edited out due remember it wrong

This is whats currently set

Get rid of the encryption method
Change server to your internal ip of the mail server


Ok, we need to back up.

Use the local IP instead of the domain name and disable encryption if it lets you. (this is just to see if it works at all)

Ok so wow with these setting I could connect


But I am still not able to send or receive messages

Something wrong with axigen then.

@Novasty, you said you were using Axigen, right?

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Need to back way way up.

Is the service running?
What ports is it running on?
Did you set up encryption on those ports?
Have you configured the server firewall?
Have you configured port forwarding on your network firewall?
Have you configured your network firewall to allow traffic to those ports from the external interface?

@SynapseAptics, I have to take off, but Iā€™ll check back tomorrow.

Best of luck!

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I donā€™t use axigen, Iā€™ve ran squirrelmail and dovecot a few years ago

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I am gonna open all these ports cause only what I have above is opened. What I changed was the webadmin port btu aside from that all is open, port forwarding is setup, axigen firewall is setup, and yes access to it is allowed on all interfaces


@Novasty I think a lot of its firewall. Cause if I connect using the local up as the server address with no encryption it worksā€¦ but if I use the domain instead of the local ip and still no encryption it fails

If you use the domain you need to set up your firewall to allow it as described earlier.

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I have though I think. I mean as long as I allow traffic from it and it route to the public IP of my wan thats enough right? or am I missing something?

The link I posted about setting up may reflection or DNS to allow proper communication from the internal network. Otherwise using the DNS will give you the public IP and will only work outside the network.

What should I set it too?

Iā€™d see if you can do a split DNS, in the DNS resolver of your PFSense, set your and to your local ip. Example below.