Multiple sound outputs?

I am trying to set up my pc such that I can easily switch between my sennheiser headphones with a DAC and a speaker setup. Having only one audio out on my motherboard I figured a soundcard may be the way to go, but wanted to see if any of you had other clever ideas?

If you have a DAC, this does not require a sound Output from your PC. Its designed to convert Digital to Analog (hence the name). Normally those would be USB, SPDIF or some kind of Optical.

What DAC do you have?

Having single audio device makes it all so much easier, shit just doesnt like switching that, at all

Sounds like you just want to use your DAC to push audio to two sources (headphones, speakers).

Find yourself a DAC that has the inputs/outputs you need and just stick with that one source for both things you want to drive.

I believe there are DACs which have a physical switch so you can just reach over and turn a knob or push a button to change where you audio is being sent. Shopping for dac with output switch as a search term might lead you where you want to go.

I’m not even going to begin recommending brands before someone jumps down my throat for a bad recommendation :sweat_smile:

I mispoke, I have a Schiit Magni which is an amp not a DAC. Dual inputs would be ideal but I don’t want audio quality to suffer or my bank account.

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I use it to output from my usb dac and motherboard simultaneously

In that case, two Outputs from Mainboard, something like the Schiit Modi, or something out of the Audio world. The Mackie Big Knob Studio is very flexible