Multi-Tenancy DNS Solution

Hi there,
my first post here, so please bare with me if i do something incorrect :wink:

So as the title might suggest, we (a middle-sized IT-enterprise) are looking for a software solution to run our own public facing DNS-Servers. As of know we are using two Bind-Server with no log-in possibilty for our customers. For the future we like to be able to give our customers the opportunity to log in and make DNS changes to their Domains, if needed/wanted.
Furthermore the new setup has to be able to handle DNSSEC.

We were looking at powerdns and an Admin-Interface over on GitHub, but this looked pretty orphaned/not well maintained.

We are open to the possibilty to pay for such a Software if it already exists. But i was not able to find something.

Does anybody know of a solution like that apart from the Plesks and cPanels of the world?
Helpful links and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

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I worked on a proprietary solution for a hosting company 15 years ago. It ended up being bind with a mysql backend and another person worked on a simple CRUD ui in PHP.

These days Iā€™d probably do a custom server in golang for what we needed.

Do you need a UI, is it a hosting thing hosting multiple zones, or something else?

if your clients are technical, can you make a simple HTTP API endpoint and have them upload a new zone file with curl, you can increment the serial and validate the files, and trigger a bind reload?

Hi Risk,
thank you for your reply.

We need a UI, and yes, its a hosting thing.
Currently we manage around 2000 Domains with their dns-records.

The customer should be able to login, and change DNS-records as they like. Of course only to their Domains :wink:

Thats our setup right now too, except we use ProBind as UI wich has no multi-tenant support.