About a week ago I rebooted my PC and suddenly it was unable to boot back up. Searching for the boot code seemed to indicate a bad drive but efter excluding every single connected storage media I still couldn’t reach the bios screen. I then tried switching to the other bios and lo and behold, it booted, but that’s only where the weirdness starts.
The system now works but I seem to have lost wifi, even tho bluetooth still works and that is integrated on the wifi module of the motherboard. The system no longer seems to retain bios settings after shutting down, it wakes up from sleep by itself and the bios detects the wrong amount of memory.
Any idea of what might be the cause of such behavior? Could it be fixed by replacing the bios chips or it is something harder to replace like the chipset? For what is worth I replaced the CPU with the previous one I had before upgrading in 2017 and the same behavior persisted so I don’t think it’s CPU related, and running the Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool reports everything is fine except the IMC but I also read reports about this being a common failure with this test.
I was running the latest bios already on the one that failed and I did try to update both, the problems still persist and the previous bios seemed to have become in an even worse state.
I decided to completely overwrite the whole bios by using afulnx with /GAN support and clearing cmos and now it’s reporting the correct amount of RAM and also gained integrated wifi back, at least with the primary bios, still have to test the secondary bios. Will put it to sleep to see if it still wakes up with no input and report tomorrow. Unfortunately it still locks up when rebooting or pressing reset button(bios code 00).
Ah so your bios went kinda bonkers, happens sometimes.
Just out of curiosity which psu do you use with this build?
Because i see that you are having issues with getting out of sleep mode?
I’m not getting issues getting out of sleep mode, by the contrary, the issue is that it leaves sleep mode by itself. This build started in 2014 and the PSU(Corsair HX520) is even older, never had a single issue until now. I did try a different PSU just in case but it made no difference.
The other issue is related with rebooting as I mentioned. It hard locks when bios reaches state 00, no matter if it’s rebooting the OS, pressing the reset button or saving bios settings and rebooting. So there’s some other issue that re-flashing the bios doesn’t fix.
In the first bios that failed, it doesn’t get stuck on reboot but it has a different problem. the first time it powers on it then shuts down just before reaching the bios splash screen and then it boots after the second attempt, like it’s training memory. It just doesn’t make sense to me how two bios chips have completely different issues after they were both re-flashed and cmos cleared.
I wonder if physically replacing the bios chips would solve these issues or there’s something else at fault, really can’t afford a new old motherboard right now and replacing the whole system is completely out of question for the foreseeable future.
Tried the flash tool on the MSI forums, didn’t improve a thing over my manual flashing attempts, although it seems to have flashed more bits judging from the output.