I got an MSI A88xi ac v2 in today and I get no video signal. I'm not using the inboard graphics since I have an 860k but I tried to use the 970 I ordered with it, a 770 I had lying around and when I got desperate a 6800k swapping out the 860k in a bid to just use on board to figure out the problem which didn't work either. The board is fine as far as I can tell as well since it doesn't beep out any error codes however I did test that by removing the ram and at that point it did give the 3 chirps for a memory error so it does work. I know that I need the new bios since I can't see anything I can't navigate the bios menu to fix anything. Suggestions?
Make sure that you are getting power to it and that your monitor is working. There is the potential for screw ups at every step in the chain between the wall and your monitor.
The monitor is working properly and all plugs are attached and fully seated.
Didn't see the bit about the 6800k try out, update the bios via a usb. If that doesn't work, RMA the board.
I know what just happened and its sound advice but to be absolutely clear(im on my other computer and not mobile now) I also tried a 6800k which does have onboard
- 1 or 2 dimms of RAM?- if 1 be sure thats its in the correct single channel slot.
- barebone test - nothing else but RAM, MB, 6800k, KB & monitor, with connected power? As the 6800k should get it to POST.
Could very well be DOA.
il try that then. the card could be throwing it off maybe?
Also both dimms are occupied
still nothing. Just the no signal test box harassing me
Maybe try some different ram, going by MSI's website it should work out of the box with both 6800K & 860K.
Im definetely open to any and all sane suggestions.