I own a 750ti, I used to use it for pci-passthrough for a windows vm, after almost 3 months of it being plugged into my pc, not doing anything, I found out that it’s braindead. The NVidia driver will bind to it, but it won’t show up in nvidia-smi, if it’s the only gpu in my system, i get no display, and nvflash cannot flash it or get the current BIOS from it. I tried the BIOS switch, that didn’t help. I got this error from nvflash when i tried to save the rom from the GPU, while it was successful with my 1060:
NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.414.0)
Simplified Version For OEM Only
Adapter: GeForce GTX 750 Ti (10DE,1380,0000,0000) H:--:NRM S:00,B:09,D:00,F:00
Identifying EEPROM...
Command complete with error, Error code = 0x0003
Command id: 0x0000002 Command: NV_UCODE_CMD_COMMAND_EID failed
Error Code= 0x00000003: NV_UCODE_ERR_CODE_CMD_EID_RD_ERROR
EEPROM ID process failed.
ERROR: Error: Display adapter's EEPROM ID process failed
Am i to assume it’s just a paperweight now or is there any chance of making it un-braindead?