mSata on laptop motherboard?

This is the Motherboard of my laptop. I need to install windows 8.1 (because it is required for some of the visual studio templates :( ) on it but don't want to format any of the internal hard drives. So as I was looking at it and I saw what looked like an mSata connector however I'm not sure if it really is as the screw holes don't seem to match up to any of the holes on the SSDs that I've seen. 

Is this an mSata connector or is it for some other peripheral?

Looks like mini PCI-e or msata slot, but what's the model number to be sure.

its an Packard Bell easynote LS11HR 175GE. It's kinda obscure to find...

Well, in the end I shrank the volume on my main hard drive sot hat Windows 8.1 got 125GB of space, but i still have no idea what the port is...

oh well solved my problem anyway :)