MS scummy once again. Die commerce die

Do you think we (or they) care about your pedantic little rant about an inferior piece of hardware?

Dude, you're barking up the wrong tree

Go back to your corner and pray to the Phys-x god


Personally I think all consoles should perform the same and look the same and cost the same and play the same games

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Got to keep the share holders happy bro

More storage with a blueray player and it also being overclocked for a little better performance. I do not normally defend consoles but for the price.

This seems to be your standard incremental product innovation process to me. The Xbone has reached maturity (or past it), so MSFT is focusing on small tweaks in order to keep it 'relevant' while they are working on the next platform. This pretty much occurs with any consumer electronics product.


+1 just business being business

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I thought Xbox Scorpio is going to feature a Zen/Vega combo. The PS Neo sounds like an underclocked 470.

In the case of older systems, a reiteration was never really more powerful than the old version (PS3 Fat has the same performance effectively as PS3 Super Slim). The Xbox Scorpio and PS Neo is reiterations that have better performing hardware (cause these days that's the only thing that matters?). My knowledge is lacking on the PSP, I had thought about getting a PS Vita, but I am gonna see if Smach Z is going to be a thing.

He flames all over the place. Just ignore him if you can.

I guess I understand the topic, but most of us here belong to the PC master race, I'll never own a Xbone in any variation (yes I did at one time own the original Xbox) and I just sold my PS3 because since I play all my games on my PC I hadn't even turned it on in a couple years, my personal feeling is that consoles have their place in the market but no serious gamer is going to play on one if they have a PC capable of a much better experience all the way around. (we won't even mention the mod scene)

But I do share the sentiments of it's just MS making incremental improvements to their platform to try to generate more $$$.

I don't see much wrong with it really. PS3 shouldn't be stuck at a laughable 20 GB when even back then, 160 GB was easy to access, same with Xbox and it's mere 4 GB.

My only problem with the newer systems is they want to effectively release new gen systems since they will feature more powerful and newer hardware. Aside from being a kick in the nuts to people who already own the PS4/XBO, it's basically not different from upgrading a PC aside from replacing a whole system (like upgrading a laptop's CPU or GPU or a tablet PC effectively).

Upgrade options for getting a new console:
A) Spend $400+ on a PSNeo (which the GPU is said to still be weaker than my R9 390, although not confirmed yet)
B) Spend $600+ on an Xbox Scorpio (which will probably have better graphics, but that's unknown also).

Or I can just overclock my processor if that's even necessary, which it clearly isn't, and I can:
A) Spend $400+ on a GTX 1070 or a Fury X (If Fury X is cheaper) and end up surpassing the new gen systems anyways
B) Spend $600+ on a GTX 1080 (or Vega if it delivers) and godstomp those consoles AND be on my marry way with my 4K monitor.

People will say upgrading a console is like upgrading a phone, but phones have bloatware installed that slow it down so bad it forces people to upgrade, although that's less of an issue than it was since I am still rocking my Galaxy S5. Next phone I get won't be as costly. And phones already have crap-tier hardware, it's like laptops and desktops, desktops last longer, especially when swapping parts if needed or wanted, you can't do that nearly as easily on laptops and stuff.

To be fair, the Xbox had a Pentium III so it was technically PC like. I did the same with my PS3 when I saw my Surface Pro 2 outperform my PS3 doing a comparison.

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Yeah, I just couldn't stand seeing it sit there collecting dust, sold the console and about 20 games (some unopened) for a $125 hopefully the people who bought it will get some enjoyment out of it (they have kids but I really didn't have kid friendly

Well, these days PS3 games are cheap although I can't think of any good game on there that isn't on PC aside from things like LittleBigPlanet. I might just get my hands on like a PS Vita, but they charge you up the ass for storage, if only I could get my hands on something like a Smach Z.

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I was discussing this console generations upgrade path many years ago in a long since gone forum. I suggested they (sony/ms) use a PCI-e 3.0 slot (which didn't exist in the wild at the time) but this was compared to how badly Sega did with add-on parts for their consoles back in the day. I then suggested that instead of gimping the horsepower of the machines as was the case with the 360 hardware (games would have crashed and failed so they had to) they incrementally increase the power of the hardware making this generation the only platform for as many years as consoles in this form exist, much like PC's, They didn't like the idea and it was rejected, "If I wanted that I wouldn't buy a console", "I like my consoles to be consoles and my PC's to be PC's"

I did mention that the first version owners would feel short changed in this scenario but seeing how console idiots buy a new console because it has a different design wouldn't they rather have a "proper upgrade".

an offshoot if consoles get regular yearly or so upgrades is a lot of its users may say, I might as well buy a PC