my prinary purpose:
- host my calendar, files (email and website in future)
- compile my own android apps
- run boinc for couple of hours
my desktop must contain:
- 256 GB RAM
- ? GB RAM (gpu, i dont know maximum)
- optical drive
- 1 tb hdd (os installation (win 10 & opensuse), 1 tb sdd (backing up files)
- keyboard, mouse, monitor
- cooling (which one is best?)
initially i want to buy “gigabyte trx40 arous xtreme”. but on second thought when i read reviews on ecommerce websites, most of them are negative. i am back to square one.
i request to suggest a motherboard (compulsory) and supported devices with model numbers (optional). i would to prefer to use with default settings and configuration. i am expecting life expetancy 3 years. of course, there is a learning curve and search engines to resolve issues.