Hi all,
Welcome any comments!
I write with sad news that my “finally ready” FreeNAS box, has a RAM issue. I’ve been happily learning FreeNAS for the last 9 months or so and was just about to put it into use (personal/work). And then…I saw a huge amount of RAM errors on the terminal
Red indicates populated slots, inner ones (to CPU) had 8GB sticks.
“Bank 7” was the only hint I saw, so I took out what I assumed was bank 7 (2nd out from the right of the CPU) and restarted the machine. At this point, 3 RAM sticks on the other side (blue area) were not being detected by the UEFI or FreeNAS (no photos sadly)
The only recent change I did around 8 hours previous, was to change the power C-state in an attempt to lower the power consumption (which worked, 140W to 110W). Surely doing that didn’t damage the RAM slots?!?!
The diagnostics I did was taking the sticks that weren’t being detected and put them in the working ones, all was well. The RAM is separated into 2 banks either side of the CPU as shown above, the 3 populated slots that stopped working were all on one side (left side, blue area). Interestingly i found that the one unpopulated slot on that side appears to work. It’s as if one side of RAM slots went pop but only those that were populated.
This machine originally had 2 x 8GB ECC REG 2400Mhz.
3 months ago I bought another 2 x 16GB ECC REG 2133Mhz.
2 weeks ago I got an additional 2 x 16GB ECC REG 2133Mhz.
Each time I buy RAM, I run MemTest strictly on the new RAM for between 5-7 days, 24 hours per day and during this, I was alerted to no errors.
Just had a thought, could it be the PSU? It is as old as the motherboard (around 3 years)?
So I’m thinking i need a new board (this board is known for manufacturing issues), as there’s no knowing when the other slots are going to fail! Also with these faults, the quad RAM facility won’t work. So far I’ve found some SuperMicro boards, I’m going that way as I’ve already got one and it’s superb. So far I’ve found the following
All have 8 memory slots and take Reg RAM up to the speed of the RAM I have. All have 10 SATA ports which is perfect and all have dual NICs (they’re Intel too, which FreeNAS likes):
- X10SRL-F
- X10SRi-F (IPMI, that’s nice)
So far I’m pitching for the middle one, but I very much welcome any thoughts or comments. I saw a quad NIC port version, but it was crazy money (close to 1000 dollars).
Thanks in advance!
Current board: Asus X99-E WS
CPU: Intel Xeon E5-1650v4 (5C/12T)
4 x 16GB ECC REG 2133Mhz
2 x 16GB ECC REG 2400Mhz
PSU: Corsair HX750i