I was messing about with,computer and I must have done something now computer won’t turn on by the power switch.
Replaced the power switch.
But it will turn on with the motherboard on off switch.
Have I altered a setting by mistake thanks for your help.
Am just a novice in later years any thing in plain English please.
By power switch do you mean the big button on the front of the case? Or the little toggle switch next to where you plug the power cable in?
Replaced with what? Can you show a picture?
By motherboard do you mean the computer tower / box or the electronics inside the box? Where is the switch on the motherboard?
Again a picture and a model of computer would help. Is it new?
Hi thanks for taking the time to reply,I mean the power switch on the case.
In the photos the mains are on
This will not power up the computer
I have replaced the switch.
The computer will only power up if I press the button on the motherboard
Thanks for the additional information and photos.
Ok so this is a hardware problem, not software. The “not powering on” is caused by the switch not doing its job so don’t worry about settings in windows etc.
The motherboard has power and as you say the power switch on the board is working. You are lucky as these switches are quite rare on motherboards and generally you just have to use the case switch.
Ok so the way the case switch works is by creating a momentary ( non-permanent) connection between two pins on the motherboard. These pins are known as the front panel header and are on every motherboard.
You can find them by looking for a small set of pins at the bottom right of the board. You manual will tell you exactly which ones to look for but on most intel boards (like yours) it is pins 6 and 8 that work the power switch.
So two things to check:
- is the connector for the case power switch connected correctly to pins 6 and 8?
- is the cable damaged or otherwise not making contact?
Looking at your picture I can see that your case uses custom sleeved cables. Try to follow the route of the cable to the switch itself as there may be another connector that has come loose not on the motherboard.
Let us know how you get on.
Thank you very much, for your input, made a old man happy Working now once again many thanks.
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