I was first introduced to the franchise by my friend, who had the monster hunter tri on wii. I instantly fell in love with the game and bought the wii u version the same day.
Recently i heard about monster hunter 4 ultimate, and thought that it was for the wii u ( because monster hunter 3 was tri for the wii and 3 ultimate for the wii u) and I was absolutely chrushed, when i discovered that it is only for the 3ds, wich i don't have yet... I know shame on me.
I love the franchise and I have thought about getting a 3ds, but the real problem comes in, with the "new" 3ds. I have feared buying a handheld system, mostly because the graphics, oh god the graphics. And I just don't know wether i can make the jump from full HD 1080p monster hunter goodness to the admittably "potatoish" 800x240l screen of the 3ds. And i don't know if the pricetag of nearly 270€ wich equals to roughly 305 US dollars os worth it for the "new" 3dsXL + Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate bundle (XL because the normal is just freaking tiny). Especially now, that i'm planning to build a hefty gaming rig around fall wich will cost closer to 2000€ an amount of money that is REALLY hard for a 14 year old to get his hands to.
Have any of you guys played it? I've seen some gameplay material on youtube, but i don't know if the games resolution is playable on the smaller screen.
Leave your comments and ratings of the game in the comments.