Modded intel processor- you should see this

Hello. If you havent yet seen my other post ive been ripped of and now need to buy new parts. so up for sale ism an old p4.. but theres a twist.. ive sucessfully cracked it open and you can see the 2 silicon layers.. pics below are from when i first cracked it open and when i cleaned it up with a pick ans scalpal so you can see more of the shiny silicon. make an offer... and yes I am willing to make more. sorry the pictures suck but i have i shitty phone.. they do look better up close


ooooooh processor

um. Haven't you just ruined it? And what's the point of it?

Die-lidding a CPU is meant to reduce the CPU tempeatrues as much as possible, and if done right, can weild a significant temp drop, but it's dangerous.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43828540,d.dmg&fp=4a49fca6e3b18b43&biw=1920&bih=979



i have 2 P4s on my shelf

Yes, delidding can be helpful. But it doesn't look like he did a very good job at it.

RIP p4, you just killed them, you murderer ! ! ! NEVER FORGET



neeeeew i found a burnt out one. I love my 8 working p4's i has and price them at a higher value to me than an i7 or an fx 8350 for that matter

to see the shiny silicon

it was already dead


LOL the processor melted the lid above it and thats why 1 it was dead and two it came open like that.
malfunctioning bestec psu + dell motherboard+ plus p4 equal this