Mini PC as Steam Remote System


I was wondering if anyone tried one of the recent mini PCs as a Steam Remote box. Thus, the box that creates the game and streams it to the Steam Link App. I was stumbling upon multiple Steam docker images, which make this quite easy to setup.

If you do that, what about performance? What about power consumption when the system is not used? @wendell Maybe a nice test case for the next mini PC review? Combination between rendering and stream encoding to serve the video on AMD GPUs?

I am not expecting insane performance, but to play maybe some older titles and stuff that run on Lutris on go (tailscale?) seems a nice setup

Sure it could be used, I don’t see why not. Just install a distro with DE (or WM, up to you), install Steam and you’re done.
GPUs have media encoders that minimally impact 3D performance. Also all the AMD mini PCs have CPUs wildly faster compared to the GPU so there’s leftover speed for encoding on it too.

But why do that instead of buying an handheld PC? There are lots to chose from and they’re equipped with the same CPUs. Price is also close.

Having used both a mini pc for htpc gaming and a handheld pc, I have to agree with Metal’s assessment.

The handheld pc will also mean that you don’t have to worry about internet connectivity.

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I agree, a handheld like the SteamDeck will give a better performance on the go for sure. For me this is more in the “One Machine does it all” territory. Maybe I will find time in the futur to try it myself