Microsoft: No need to worry about upgrading if you are on the Techincal Preview

It's finally been confirmed for those of you who probably ran the Windows 10 Technical preview on your main machines, by accident or intentionally. NO NEED TO FEAR! If you are running the preview, you will still get the free upgrade for Windows 10. you just won't have to reserve it anymore you'll just get the final build as a Windows update. you just need to make sure you Windows 10 Technical preview device is signed on to a "Microsoft" account and you'll be all set.


Edit: Windows 7/8.1 isn't required anymore. you'll get a free upgrade to your device


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So, essentially, windows 10 is free?
Wow. What are they plotting?

SaaS basically

well it's free technically but not really. it's free if you are running Windows 7 or 8/8.1. If you upgraded your machine from Windows 7 or 8/8.1 to Windows 10 Technical Preview your system is already activated and you will get the final official release of Windows 10 via Windows update. everyone else who pirated will also get windows 10. BUT they won't get it activated. so there may be some features locked for those who have illegal/un-activated copies.

So I have been wondering. I don't want it doing anything like download a new is in the background so I have not reserved a copy of win 10 from my 8.1 PC. If I don't reserve it before 10 comes out am I out of luck or can I upgrade for free at any stage.

I want to wait for reviews and workarounds to come along before upgrading.

WIndows Preview was pretty good. Glad to see them do this.

In a way i didn't expect them to do this, considering they didn't do it for Windows 7 to 8... at least if my memory serves me correctly. but similarly i'm pretty sure they didn't want to deal with the backlash they were going to get when people who are "Windows Insiders" tested Windows 10 on their main machine. which i'm pretty sure A LOT of people did.

@Kat Yes, you are probably right about that.

I myself am Guilty. lol well i didn't install it on my Gaming PC. I installed it on my main Windows tablet that i was using daily for Productivity. XD

Microsoft did a lot better job with the testing of Windows 10. We the testers were finally giving the ability of giving direct feedback to Microsoft and reporting bugs was a lot easier compared to the other things I tested for them. I'm not saying they are perfect but they did pretty good with this test.

I've said in in the past with all with a few threads that were basically "Blind Hatred towards Windows" i truly feel like Microsoft did an 180 degree turn this year. they fixed ALL the non-sense that plagued them these past 2 years. What I'm curious about is how long are they going to keep it up?

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Only time will tell. I'm cautiously optimistic.

I believe you will have 1 year after release to upgrade.

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Microsoft elaborated a bit on this situation. Windows 10 is free regardless. if you are upgrading from Windows 7 or 8/8.1 . BUT to get the upgrade your Windows 10 Preview device must be signed in using a Microsoft account. basically go to the Modern Settings App, go to accounts, and check if you are signed in. if not you have to make an account sadly.

Well.. I am not really into that but isn't Win10 win8.1 with cortana and some other stuff i don't want in a working (and even gaming and fun) environment?

Please tell my why people want this. I really have no idea and if it is like it looks like i will not switch until i am forced to because my programs don't run on 8.1 or there are security holes or other serious problems with 8.1.

Well there are many reasons why someone would want to Upgrade to Windows 10. I'll name a few.

  • Desktop Experience is Back. If You want that Windows 7 Experience back, It's back. so your work will be done much faster and efficiently now.
  • DX12 - Windows 10 only has support for DirectX12, so All are games are going to be much faster on Windows 10.
  • Windows 10 has better scaling. You want to run a 4k or 5k monitor. you don't have to worry about small text. everything will be fine.
  • you have the option if you want to use the old start menu or the modern UI start screen. or both. you have many options
  • Dark Mode is now implemented. no more eye-sore with bright white task-bars and such on your screen. you can keep everything dark.

there's alot more. Cortana, and all this paranoia "Oh Microsoft is taking My Data" is optional. you don't have to turn on any of the features. they come turned off by default.

What about us Windows insider users? Do we need a key? My install comes across as activated but I never used a key.

Nope. if you are running the technical preview. all you have to do is make sure you are signed on to your "Microsoft" account on the Windows 10 device and that's it. When Windows 10 releases in July you will be prompted to upgrade to Full Windows 10 official release.

you go to the "Modern PC" Settings app on Windows 10. go to accounts and check if you are signed in. (Also to check if you are signed in) try downloading a "Free Windows App on the store" if you are signed it it wil allow you to do it. if not you would have to make an account.

On Windows 8.1 it's here

Kat, ok thank you very much.
The only reasonable thing would be the dark Theme now and the DX12 in future.. i will see what the futur brings.

I've been dual booting both Win10 preview and LinuxMint for the past few months and I have to say Win10 is a nice step up from win7. However when i want to be productive i use Linux, when i want to game or wonder the interwebs i use win10 and firefox developer edition because i like to see the HTML on some things.