Microsoft Drops DRM - I'm Still Not Happy

KH3 will be on the Xbone now.

If it wasn't my money, I would get an XBOne just to put on a anonymous mask and fap for a week or two infront of the kinect to see how they would respond to it. Then put a video on the internet where I torch the living crap out of it and send it to the US military so they could do whatever they wanted with it too (I've heard they hate it aswell).

Other than that, I would never get an Xbox of any kind in my life, I would not even get windows 8 from MS, and I'm slowly sliding away from Sonys' PS4 (depending on the games). PS1 and PS2 have always been my favourites though. I like PS3 a lot but most of the games it has, already exist on PC. I might get a new PS3, I let my brother keep my old one, but that's about it. I Prefer Linux and if I want old console games, there's always emulators. FREEEEEEDOOOOOMMMMMM! (As Mel Gibson said in Braveheart while being gutted. Btw that's probably MS today - gutting you slowly while you scream for freedom).

Very good post!

And that is really the bottom line: don't step into honey traps! But still everyone does it all the time!

And that is something I feel very strongly about: the quality of the honey traps. I think that it's OK for a business to set up a business model whereby benefits are offered to consumers to persuade them to step into a system that profits for the business, like the initial Google business model.

But in the last couple of years, even with Google, the benefit for the consumers is very relative, in fact the distance between the benefit for the user and the burden posed on the user is getting ridiculous. Like Logan says, people pay to be extorted...

DRM, Digital Rights Management, the term in itself is a lie, "Rights Management" implies that one could use this to manage the rights one has, but in reality, it takes away rights, so DRM actually stands for "Deprivation of Rights Mafia".

Now my theory is that the complexity of the technological generation is backfiring... that complexity is so enormous and came so fast, and the focus was on selling stuff to people so that they would feel educated instead of being educated, so that a lot of people feel that they are clueless and left out, and they scream for guidance, and they develop an addiction to rules that they feel protect them, rules that are imposed by a political caste that extorts money in this way, also here people pay to be extorted. Since the nineties, there has been a veritable diarrhea of legislation and rules everywhere, paving the way for sociopaths... because if there is one thing that history thaught us, that is that rules are the heralds of destruction, and in my opinion, that goes for political or clerical legislation as well as for DRM...

All PC games under one distribution platform would be a bad thing because it would essentially make steam/Valve (or whoever else may take the position) a monopolist and as anyone with a basic notion of economics will tell you, monopolies are nearly always bad for the consumer.

"An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi

Dear Microsoft/Xbox One: Oh praise be to you great one for finally relenting after a hailstorm of protest since your unveiling for ALLOWING us mere mortals to continue to do with our video games what we've been able to do since 1985 (i.e. buying/selling/trading the games we bought and paid for as well as play our games offline for longer than 24hrs at a time) even though Sony was going to allow us to continue to do so from the start. Once again, thank you all powerful as MERCIFUL Microsoft/Xbox One for bestowing upon us our given rights that we've been utilizing since 1985! Praise be to you powerful one.... Eat crap.

^hahahaha. I was ranting in a sarcastic tone simlair to this one when I heard that Xbox One would still allow you to watch Blu-Ray movies if you do not have an Internet connection..

"Oh, thank you master....I sure do love me some Blu Ray movies on hardware that I dun' purchased for gaming, yes sir!"


As far as this article goes, I still don't see Xbox One recovering from this. They should've made this announcement in E3 when all the gamers were actively listening. Instead they continued to push this increasingly unpopular ideal until it blew up in their hands and they were forced to backtrack or face detrimental declines in sales.

Furthermore, the exclusive titles weren't impressive (at least they weren't to me).

^^^ "Xbox One would still allow you to watch Blu-Ray movies if you do not have an Internet connection" 

That's a good thing you know 'cinavia  protection' is a sony DRM that need's constant update's of firmware and if your not up to date you cant play newer blurays?

Well that's a physical limitation.

I'm quite sure that Xbox One was reffering less to the firmware and more to the fact that you didn't need to connect to their servers to verify your right to watch your least that's how I interpreted it...o_0

I don't care for consoles but even for people that do it seems that the publishers are in control now and no matter how much they try to make you happy you eventually are going to get fucked. Either with Playstation or xbox they both don't really care.

NOTE: This is a blog, not a news, it is a rant! And a damn good one too. People need to see the very nature of a corporation is to create revenue for the share holders and nothing else. This is why there are laws preventing corporations from selling arms to certain people because otherwise they would.  Hoping the USA government will prevent spying by corporations....well good luck with that one. The only way to stop Microsoft is to hit them in the only place they feel, their bottom line. The only way to do that is to leave the X-Bone on the shelf. 

i grew up on firstly on some orange computer type and dodgy graphics.... back in the late 80's slash early 90's.... then i learnt on macintosh or early apple II etc..... then i was dunked into DOS and early MS then i became a Nintendo user.....several years passed and i foolhardily delved into playstation territory costantly frustrated by boundries then through my nephew i became a PC user and have never looked back....i do love a good upgrade :)

It is good that they changed the draconian internet DRM scheme... But I am still more worried about the kinect camera DRM. 1984 in the making... Glad you guys are still looking at and talking about the bigger elephant in the room. George Orwell is rolling in his grave. 

What irritates me most is seeing comments (not here, of course) such as: "In your face, Sony" or "Yay, Miscrosoft FTW" and it's like nothing happened, it's all fine, now it's even OK to have a mandatory surveillance pack coming with the console. I mean... if someone would spit you in the face and then clean it up, would you consider it all fine just like that?

Also, another irritating and I'd even say disturbing thing is that it's not like MS has reacted to the negative comments immediatelly. They have tried hard to make all the limitations look good, they've dome damage control, all their spokespeople were promoting it, how awesome it really is, there's no downside etc. and they've NEVER said anything like: "we're sorry to see that you don't like this, we'll see what we can do" or "we may reconsider these policies" so it's not like they worried about this, they've tried to push it and make it look good as long as they could until someone looked at the pre-sales and decided to "flip the switch" and now all the same people who were defenting this days ago are now saying that "we listen to the customers, we're getting rid of the restrictions" etc.

What it means is that however you look at it - they're liars. Either they were lying before being forced by MS to make this look good or they lie now saying that they listen to the customers.

Besides, so they are able to get rid of all the limitations with one patch? Of course I knew that this is possible, but what it means is that one day a new patch may re-introduce this just as easily.

Also, I like how they've decided to remove this "family sharing"... stuff (where you can share digital content with a group of people you may or may not be related to) which means they now want to show that the removal of these other limitations comes for a price and maybe now the customer will want to have this feature and eventually will ask MS to put this back in even for the price of some DRM. In other words - they want the customer to come up with the idea to accept these limitations. You know how it's called when someone creates circumstances under which another person is supposed to come up with an idea that the first person wanted them to in the first place? Manipulation. Not a good business practice.

Anyway, I've been always on "team Sony" simply because the comparison of exclusive games for the PlayStation vs. exclusive Xbox games was in favor of the PS according to my taste so technically I'm not that concerned with what MS are doing with the Xbox, but what concerns me is how arrogant a company can become and how easily horrible business practices can be "forgiven" and maybe forgotten by some consumers (yes, these are consumers not customers).

And all the smart gamers didn't buy the X-bone and built there own pc's... The End!

As an investor I'm upset at MS for not listening to their customers sooner.  Some may argue that customers don't know what they want and it's up to the innovator to show them.  Fair enough.  Sometimes you have to look ahead, let's say, a pico projector on every tablet, but sometimes you must listen to the needs of people in the here and now:  The DRM was screwed up (thank God they fixed that), the privacy issue is still messed up (I don't mind government agencies doing it for police purposes), and the $500 price tag is not reasonable during a recession.  Logan is right when he says that microsoft is not listening to their users.  They forget that they can listen to their users, make them happy, and profit.  Very simple: sell game without creepiness and exorbitant prices, then sell a shitload of extras to the game that you can buy online through them if you have the mula.  Everyone wins.  Nintendo should do the same by selling special Pokemon or whatever.  The idea is to get the masses on your side, not to alienate them.  

Why not PC?

I support rants, but honestly, I'd rather have seen no one rant about it, Microsoft leave it the way it was, and no one buy it.  

Xbox One, now with the power of Moradin!!