MFZuul's Blog o' Threads

probably. Idk anything about linux on macs

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i have tried about 3 distros now… all are having issues getting into the usb installer. I am thinking there must be something stopping it from what I read on the screen, maybe a hardware issue?

macs will only boot efi

how are you making the USB?

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balenaEtcher, with an iso like I do with other laptops.

use something else and format it gpt

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my two brain cells are dead now from needing to be used… I WAS WRONG THIS IS HARD for a dummy like me

just dd the iso to the usb

yeah u probably need rEFIt to boot anything on mac. I remember my dad doing something like that on an older mac.

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ugh, do I have to grow up and be an adult? I want to be a script kiddie forever

prob, I cant find a single guide that is doing what I am doing. Everyone is duel booting or starting with OSX then overwriting to Linux. One guide said if I didn’t have OSX, you would need to reinstall… but idk sounds dumb if so

welcome to apple

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I just want ppl to think I’m rich and artsy

all the people that matter will think ur a basic thot who codes in ls code; cd .. at Starbucks

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you’re just repeating what I said above lol

also I am that already, well not at starbucks. thats too corporate it has to be a small roast bespoke local popup coffee cooperative that has gluten free coffee and zero plastics

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it’s time to commit autoabortion

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Legal in the usa

thats the name of my underground extramarital band that focuses on deconstructing sound and rearranging it in a non-ablest and inclusive vibrations

oh you got our ep?!?!?!

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Was it a private thread ? I forget this stuff.

Oh…look at this

an 32 bit support… yes

Will have to try but according to this video

Architect is dead and I need to use zen installer.

Chromebooks… what are they? Just a cerebral shunt for Google… or

more soon

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that soon is NOW

I return, and will do some more work on the threads that I left years ago.

I am prety much doing this now plus jellyfin:

Some more ideas/things I have and am doing already:

MFZuul tries it: GRMS to chat and find (hot singles in your area maxplus)
MFZuul tries it: Dietpi on x86 (zoom zoom LP)
MFZuul tries it: The saga of the X220 (Never going to give you up Bside)
MFZuul tries it: One BOOX to write on (China Spyware edition)

Would like to revive some of my mega threads but we shall see, may just do new ones.

Soon coming soon sooner than you soon