Mayflower Odac combo vs JDS labs?

I was just recently flipping through reviews and videos about the Odac combo with the Objectitve 2 amp because I'm very interested in its price to performance from what I've read. But my question is, are the two combos of the same caliber or is one better than the other in terms of their sound quality?

JDS O2 = Mayflower O2 = your own O2. The O2's schematics are freely available and use generic off the shelf components, you can build your own fairly easily for around $40.

So then why would Mayflower make a version of their own then if they are equal, my assumption is that there must be some differentiation between the two?

There is absolutely no difference, they both just build the same thing. It's like XFX and Asus both putting out blower stock PCB OEM Graphics cards, they're both the exact same thing with a different distributor and builder.

It's the same yo. 

They're the same. They just want to make their own different profits.