Maxwell or 780?

i had a gtx 770 for 3 days , sold it before the price drop , back to my old gtx 460 . 


anybody have a clue when in 2014 maxwell will come out? and if it will be this "groundbreaking" advance in performace from kepler? or should i just plot 500$ on a 780 now?

The 780 is probably your best bet. It'd be a waste to get a maxwell only to use a 460 with it.

770 is a good card, I would have just held onto that, personally.

Only you can decide if you want to wait until Maxwell. It will probably release in Q2, at the earliest time. The likeliest time would be Q3.

yeah its a great card , but i was worried that the 2gb wasnt going to be "future proof" enough since some games now are almost hitting 2gb usage, like bf4, and the 4gb card was too much of a price jump. plus were gonna be getting ps4 and xbone ports now instead of ps3/360. ok im seeing 780's on ebay for 465ish$ might as well jump on that if maxwell isnt coming for awhile