Mass DMCA takedowns from UMG and WMG on Twitch Clips. Direct Livestream DMCAs next

Yeah cuz you bypassed digital drm protection. Never claimed it was legal… Me wanting it to be legal and it being illegal are allowed to be different.
Also if your plex is all ota recording or cable card recordings its 100% legal, assuming you aren’t distributing (and you dont have to)

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Plex Plus might still be illegal, since it’s “broadcasting” over the internet to get to your Plex enabled device if it’s outside your local network.

LAN not internet, you dont have to allow connections from WAN.

I mean, I get the conversation but at this point we are not talking about twitch anymore, right?


DMCA related

Well, everything is.

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You pay me now!

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Fuck you! I’m a pirate!


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Its been the same since the slow law was build.

People can suffer until the power players with money slowly sort out how to extract money from everyone fairly between there power bases.

The internet is really still an untamed bull they fucking hate.

This next centry will be to lock down century :slight_smile: Kids will make movies about the 2010 pirates :slight_smile: online

Prey even had a portion where 3D printing DRM prevented you from getting more of a in-game upgrade.


off topic, but I just learned what Louis Rossmann was quoting when talking landlords and rent lol.

On this topic tho, it was a long ways coming. I am pretty sure devin nash did a video on this topic a month or two ago (he did and it was 3 months ago). It was a matter of time before publishers came after twitch.

I more surprised that the same big streamers who upload to youtube, don’t realize/care when they have music running in their streams. Moreover, these same streamers have seen the youtube copyright issues in the past. The only thing the streamers can really do is just to backup the clips that have value to them and delete them.

If twitch truly cared about the users, they would have implemented content id like youtube a long time ago.

Though some might cry corporations not caring about their content creators

but let’s be honest they care much more about the bottom line, if some content creators get sued so be it

Like other platforms, if you have such an issue with how twitch operates, there isn’t a gun against your head to use platform. Go to Mixxer. Though you won’t make as much money if you weren’t acquired by Microsoft.

hell you can make your own streaming platform with blackjack and hookers

On a different note, with advances in isolating instruments and music in the realm of machine learning, it would be pretty cool if twitch/youtube used a music database to train a ai to isolate music from all the clips and stream vods. A temporary stopgap measure might be to allow playback of multiple audio channels, as the devs train the ai model.

Some enterprising individual who could make another platform or a content id service to license to smaller platforms that don’t have the time or resources to develop such a service.


For now… Hookers and blackjack :stuck_out_tongue:

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good video link

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When do I sue twitch and youtube for legalizing and ruining my hobbies. I legit cannot giwe a singular flying fuck if they’re going to do shit like this.

I had better expectations than this inutially, or so I thought. Now being let down again, twitch is just simphole now magnified.

Maybe make that a permanent option?
A second stereo track won’t add too much data to handle.

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I said this years ago, twitch and others would be so nice with 3 sliders for volume on the viewers end. Game, Mic and music or whatever they want to assign that to. That way instead of dealing with the streamer not having a clue what they are doing the users can adjust it so when they get hype it does not rip your ears clean off.

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Its only that way because they made it that way. With crappy DRM and making harder to play content. Remember when Netflix was cheap and had loads of good content? Piracy was actually cut down. Because Holy Shit you provide people with the content easily and at a fair price and they decide not to steal.

The problem is greed. To me copy rights should have a shelf life, of like no more than 20 years. After that it should be public domain period. Companies like Disney should not be able to have a copy right for 100 years, that’s just wrong. Also copy right trolls need to be put in their place. Further more game devs need to pull their heads out of their asses and stop using copy righted music. For the love of god, game streaming has been around forever at this point.

Bringing it back because as pointed out on the news this is beyond stupid.

Have fun out there. Hope y’all can still vote in a few months.