Marijuana Legalization


It's an inevitability, between the economic numbers coming out of Colorado and the rest as well as the fact that even the young republicans are in favor of it means that it's going to happen nationally, much to the chagrin to the Tobacco and Alcohol companies.

That said, I'd never buy pot from any of the tobacco companies when it happens, they couldn't even make cigarettes without adding in a crapton of toxic chemicals and pesticides they don't even attempt to wash off of the plants before processing them that they try to pass off as "flavorants".

I'm unsure why alcohol is listed as higher risk then heroin, meth and cocaine... Is it drunk driving? Because other then that alcohol is pretty mellow as far as drugs are concerned, you have to do quite allot of it to get yourself into real trouble, that is if you can move at all.

That is actually a thing you know, just check out Getting Doug With High

Between 1928 and 2004 and since 2009, it has been classified as a class B drug. From 2004 to 2009, it was in class C (less harmful).

Our government can't make its mind up about it. Clegg is pushing for partial legalisation (if Doctor recommends it) but others won't say a word.

look youngin. you can get pretty violent on alcohol. you dont need that much to get into trouble.

Just to make myself clear. I dont really condone pot use. Maybe for medical ? I have a hard enough time getting things done that i dont need that kind of impairment.

Sounds like it doesn't agree with you, at 29, I've never had an incidence of violence while drunk even to wasted to the point of collapsing in a pool of vomit from dropping a gallon of rum on top of a case of beer when I didn't know when to reign it in.

Now acts of "hold my beer and watch this" I've had more then a few of those.

the reasoning behind this was for petrochemical companies like DuPont to take out potential competition from marijuana and hemp based products, products that are available all throughout Europe these days, including car parts, but not available here.

Remember, Washington even stated that hemp was a crop of national importance, but as always some greedy bastard has to get in the way of progress in this country.