Make a ENB-tutorial for Skyrim!

This one is for Pistol or possibly Logan, please do a tutorial on how to setup and optimize ENB in skyrim! 

Mods are easy, just to remove if the game crashes, but to optimize ENB is for me a bit tricky. 

/ tInc

Slightly off topic but might help you a bit - Gopher has some nice video tutorials for ENB for quite a few different mods - i recommend to check them out, they helped me to get started.

Real vision is the most popular (as far as i know) so im assuming you're going to use it - if not he's got a plenty more for different types of enb - and some of them work pretty much the same :pp


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This. Gopher's probably the best Skyrim Mod video guy out there. He explains everything really well so even if you're new to modding, he'll get you through it.

modding skyrim isnt really that hard! just use the nexus mod manager and follow these steps:

1. install mod.

2. sort with BOSS


4. if test is succesfull repeat with next mod, if not succesfull deactivate mod and find solutions via google. sometimes a mod provides compatibility fixes.

for enb, you just move the core enb files to the skyrim folder, and then add the config files from the presets you wanna try. if you wanna try another preset just copy the files over and overwrite the existing files.

all the options you can change are in the enbseries.ini file. some presets come with more config files like: effect.txt or SweetFX_settings.ini

all the options for the enbseries.ini file can be found here:

Thanks, I completely missed that documentation!

But I would still like Pistol or Logan to make a short video on this, the last ENB I know they used looks awesome, and if they (or anyone else) could explain how to optimize Skyrim for 64-bit systems? 

I'd really like that, as I don't have the time to fiddle with it. I just want some extreme textures though. Where's the best place to find them?

this ^