MAG B550 Tomahawk Network Drop When Gaming

For the past week I’ve been trying to troubleshoot by text off and on if there is a hardware problem with Motherboard in subject line for an up and coming vtuber.

While running any game the network cuts out, to a point where it doesn’t even recognize if there is an ethernet cable plugged in. The weird part is, it works fine for awhile with random web browsing for a longer amount of time, but network adapter eventually does drop. PC is brand new.

After looking at a lot of other threads, I honestly think it has to be down to the board and specifically the realtek NIC either over heating or some garbage implementation. Sad thing is, I have the same one on my spare board, but it should be known good supposedly!

One other thing to note. The GPU is used RX 5500. They bought it for 600 CAD or US. I forget which

Things I have walked them through so far

  • Updated Network driver adapters
  • Fully removed and re-installed GPU
  • Installed AMD Chipset
  • Flashed BIOS
  • Tested network speeds
  • Checked with other people on network no issues
  • Can’t check actual router due to it being an ISP rental (Yeah I know)
  • Hard power cycled (Power Flea)

Issues reported

  • Network drops about 10 minutes after a game start so bad the user has to restart
  • Spinning circle of death at MFG splash screen
  • Grey screen
  • Sometimes USB disconnects (Though not completely sure about this)
  • Previous PCIe wifi adapter tried ran into similar problems

Possible resolutions

  • Test with a USB/c to ethernet adapter
  • RMA the board
  • Send my spare Asus B550M TUF Plus (Wifi) to them
  • Cobble together money from the community of said vtuber and purchase a replacement PC altogether.

I’m hoping Level1 community can tell me if I’m on the right track.

Picture example of what they see, yes I’m sorry they don’t know how to use snippet/print screen all that well.

This was new one…

The normal disconnect

FF14 Usually an error like this comes up.

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