Mac Educational software questions

I’m working on a educational computer for my daughter whos in prek. Right now she is using an intel pc with linux on it and seems to enjoy it, but it doesn’t have alot of software as I thought it would.

My first thought was to find an old g4, upgrade it, and put os9.x on it since I remember them having alot of software, and now its all easy to get. However, they are not that easy to find, Nor are they that cheap.

So I’m asking if anyone else thinks this is a good idea or would I be wasting my time?

If it was going to be internet connected id say no as its unsupported.

What kind of education are you looking for?

Thanks for the reply.

It’ll be for reading, typing, puzzle solving, mathematics, etc. I just remember things like jumpstart, reader rabbit, and the Disney stuff was good back then, and there is alot of selection for old software like that at macgarden. No internet