M5A97r2.0 Whine/squeel


Recently I got myself an AMD 8320 and I upgraded to a more decent MBO (ASUS M5A97r2.0), during some testing and fiddling with overclocks, I've noticed that my MBO produces high pitched sound during 100% CPU load (prime95, cinebench, etc.).

I'm certain that it originates somewhere around CPU socket, it's not a PSU whine, nor GPU. If I put 100% load on my GPU there's no sound, only if there's 100% load on CPU.

Whine/squeel is somewhat scratchy and only audible when you get around 10cm away from sckt. area AND, it got really loud one time when I hit 70C on CPU sckt. temperature, during testing.

It appears both on stock speed, overclocked, TURBO enabled/disabled, etc.

I'd rather not RMA, so my question is - Is it dangerous? Will it kill my CPU/MBO, or reduce lifespan?

Entire config is -

AMD 8320

M5A97 r2.0

R9 280 (non x)

2x4GB 1866 Mhz HyperXFury

Corsair CX600W


Fan Bearings on the cooler?


Nope, I've tried stopping both fans, the noise is ''electric''.

can you record it?

i think its coilwine, not much to be concerned about. But 70C is to high for your cpu

I doubt you'd be able to hear it over fan/ambient noise, since my mic is terrible.

I also think it's coil whine, but I've never had coil whine on any of my MBOs in the past, so it kinda worries me.

This MBO is fairly common, so if anyone has it and FX 8XXX series, test it out.

100% load (prime is the worst offender) and listen closely to the CPU socket area, if necessary remove the side panel.

Maybe I'm not alone. 

i have Asus M5A97 EVO R2.0.

and i have an high noise aswell sometimes.

Maybe we have the same thing, it's probably nothing. I'll stop being paranoid.


Otherwise M5A97 is fine board, espec. for the price.

Well there is a diffrence between the M5A97 and M5A97 EVO. the diffrence is the powerphase design, the M5A97 has 4+2 powerphase digi vrm, and the EVO has 6+2 powerphase and digi vrm. for the rest they are pretty similar.

The EVO be a bit more stable wenn overclocking.

No whine from me, I also have an EVO.

Electrical noise out of a motherboard or gpu is almost always coil wine, and the thing about coil wine.....you generally can't do squat about it. Its micro vibrations coming from a coil because of all the power flowing through it. Amd systems are usually more acceptable to this because they run much higher wattage then intel platforms.

 Note, if you have a faulty power supply or one that is delivering dirty power to your motherboard\gpu the noise can be originating from it as well. I'd give a good listen to your power supply when your really taxing your cpu, to see if you can hear any squealing coming from it.


don't OC on that board, only if you can maintain stock voltage (I could hit 3.8 and even undervolt a little the cpu), have the same board and now I have a cm 412S for cooler...  wich cooler do you have?

I am currently using T3X EVO, which is shitty, but I just wanted to replace stock until I get some more money for a decent AIO.

It's currently running at stock, since I believe T3X EVO is not enough to cool FX  8320.

probably dust in the cooler. i had runned my FX8350 stock with a stock cooler for allmost a year without hitting extreme temps. Only the cooler is noisy as hell

cool I have the same cpu, the same mobo and had the same cooler, for slight OC you might want to look at 212 evo or the bequiet dark rock pro3 (this is better but much more expensive). Don't go to far on that board with OC, it will not handle it good, I actually have the 8320 undervolted at 3.7ghz and even though I manage to attach a 30mm fan to the north VRM heatsink. 


You might also want to look at inverting the airflow, so the cool air enters from behind to keep both ,cpu and mmobo, cool...  have this (http://www.overclock.net/t/1151430/front-to-back-cooling-why, the same taht the op of the trhead) setup on a CM elite 430 case, it makes a little turbulence sound on the upper exhaust but found it to keep it cooler

I'm also running it undervolted, currently 1.250v under load and I'm running it at stock with TURBO off, to compensate for this MBOs weak pwr. design.

I won't be ocing much even when I upgrade my cooling, maybe 3.7-4.0 @ stock voltages, with turbo off.

I have Corsair 230T, so inverted airflow might not be the best option, also I believe that VRM is cool enough, the noise it makes happens at all temperatures, but only on 100% CPU load.

Ty for your input though, have you checked if yours makes the same sound? Or I am really unlucky?

At this point I've stopped giving much cares about it, if it's stable, I'll let it buzz, it's not audible over the fans anyways.


stress test your system with aida 64 and check in hardware monitor how hot your cpu and mobo goes, or check mobo temp in Asus suite fanxpert.

MY board does not get hotter then arround 47C max even at 4.8Ghz, But i do have a big cpu aircooler.