Strange question/topic. But i have a computer with a gtx1070, that says it can not do hdcp whit my setup, (projector/home theater). I had an old 610 passive gpu and it works fine with no problem. Can i some how get my 1070 to output thru the old 610 gpu when i play games? like on a laptop intel/nvidia. for information All drivers and other updates is up to date. Windows 10/Nvidia etc.
You shouldn’t need HDCP to play games. Typically it’s streaming services and dvd/bluray playback apps that check for HDCP.
You must have a splitter or some non compliant device in the output. Is it possible to connect your computer directly to the display, and use a separate cable for audio?
It could also be something as simple as a bad cable somewhere in the chain.
I think you missed my problem… The goal is to have 2 GPU cards, 1 for desktop use as a low power unit that works well with my home cinema. And a faster GPU for rendering games that outputs the video buffer thru the low power GPU.
Can i get Windows to identify the 610 as a power save GPU
and the 1070 as a Hi Performance GPU
do you have intergrated graphics on your CPU, you can hack in Nvidia Optimus
No, sorry. No intergraded gpu… The Nvidia Optimus function is the thing i want… I guess there is a register entry that tells the operating system “This Gpu is a high preformmans gpu” and “This is a power save GPU”…
not sure, I haven’t dived that deep into it