Looks decent?

Here's my first ever build. I'm hoping to play newer games on ~medium quality. Does it look decent? Any recommendations?

AMD FX-8120

MSI 970A-G46

8GB DDR3 Kingston

1GB AMD Radeon HD 7770

HDD 2000GB

500W PSU



1.FIRST SPENT MOST OF YOUR MONEY ON THE GRAPHICS CARD,NOT ON CPU,GET MAYBE  A PHEANOM 965 OR FX 4300 and a 7870 or 7850..Do you really need that much storage??I mean 2 terabytes,maybe get 1 tera and get better graphics. also make sure the psu is of a reliable brand such as corsair,seasonic,ocz and if coolermaster,but coolermaster isin't the best...

What i would do.

Go with 1 tb.

Amd fx 4300 if you can get the 6300 for nearly the same price go with the 6300.

And go with the 7850 or 650ti depending on your budget (7850 is better)

Drop your CPU back down to fx 6300, you don't really need 8 cores for gaming.

Try and find a decent 7850 or 7870 or 7870 XT if you can, they will boost your framerate A LOT, more than going for a 8120. 

What kind of PSU is this? Make sure that it's of good quality or your rig will be in danger, something with 80+ is a bare minimum. 500W is only good if you plan to have only 1 card and no overclock, go for 650W if you want to squeeze some more perfomance out for free, and 750W if you plan on adding another card down the line somewhere.

What kind of Kingston Ram? I personally recomend their Beast Ram, look badass, but HyperX Blue will be just fine for gaming, try to find something in 1600 or 1866.

Maybe if you can, add a SSD for your OS and a few games, but that's optional, you can game just fine on a HDD.

It should cost you about 700$ if you go with my recomendation, this can vary based on where you live.






Try this on for size. The Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition is more than enough power to push most games, and it is significantly cheaper than an 8120. The main thing is that you need some relatively awesome single core speeds for most tasks, as most things still aren't optimized for multiple cores to work on them at the same time. The 965 is nice since it is a black edition card, and especially nice with the cooler I recommended from Cooler Master, because that thing will be able to keep it pretty frost even with a healthy overclock. The Graphics card is what takes most fo the brunt of gaming and should thus be more heavily bolstered. I like the Sapphire Radeon 7870 XT for this since it is based off of the Tahiti platform and is significantly more powerful than it should be for the price point. If you go with the Phenom II X4, the memory controller is seperate from the standard bus clock so you can adjust it independantly, but it is still not exactly designed for memory faster than 1600 MHz, so that is what I went with in this build. If you want to go faster, you can try, or you can get a cheaper one powered by Vishera cores, which the Phenom II will kick the collective asses of. Anyway, good power supply, excellent case. Good enough price. I would have no qualms with buying this for myself, I just don't have the money for it right now.

ive used a fx-8120 and to be honest more phenoms will beat it out on most programs unless its something that uses alot of cores.

Thank you for your responses. I will talk to my people and concider all of your suggestions. :D