hello community.. greetings from Sohail Ali.. i am looking to setup two systems for my home - office in the next couple of weeks or so. I would request you to give in your valuable suggestion/feedbacks for the same
the first one is a dedicated gaming rig for ~$16000
- i am looking to build a eyefinity setup for this rig.
- please note that monitors, keyboard, mouse and headset is inclusive in the price of $16000.
- would it be advisable to pick up 4k resolution monitors for this build? If yes please suggest the same and if there are mods to run it on 60fps please make a note of the same.
the second one is a dedicated workstation for ~16000
- eyefinity setup is preferable, however, i am open to suggestions.
- please suggest monitors, keyboard and mouse.
- would it be advisable to pick up 4k resolution monitors for this build? or would it take a toll of the gpu's to render at such rate?
- lastly, i would want to know which one is better - intuos 5 or a cintiq 24hd touch, keeping in mind that if there is a possibility of using a 4k monitor for the build.