Looking to get started

Hey L1T,

Has anyone come across any good reference for game engine code structuring in C++?

I’ve got a “Til’ Death” project I’d like to get started on, but I don’t feel as if I know enough to get started yet.

Thanks guys! (And it’s good to be back)

I started a GitHub for what I plan to do: GitHub

I’m still in setup phase, so updates to come.

I’d love to work with the community to build it. The project is beyond a 1-man scope. The goal is to make the Sword Art Online Seed System and create a development SDK that’s easy to use so anyone can make their dream game.

Dunno about game engines, but I’d check out godot. It’s a open source C++ game engine you could maybe poke through it’s documentation and source code to understand how it does structuring

Side tangent, if you’re looking to create your own game engine, this guy talked about his c++ game engine development process

Thank you for finding that stuff.

I’ve looked at GoDot in the past but got lost with the python code; I’ve only really ever messed with C/C++ before.

I’m gonna dig into their docs and code and see how things work.

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Yo that video explained a lot. Thank you again!

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