I want to get a PSU that is ready for the X570 boards, which have a new 4 Pin plus the usual two 4pins that are standard. What are they called so I can make sure I buy one that brings them?
The new 4 pin is the same as the original 4 pin. It’s not new at all. Just get one with a 8pin EPS power connector and a 4+4pin EPS power connector. Most moduler power supplies should allow connecting EPS12v and PCIE12v interchangeably to the power supply afaik, so it shouldn’t be a major problem to connect the extra 4+4 EPS12v at the same time as the 8pin EPS12v.
At least, that’s how it is on my unit.
Ok. So I just get another 4+4 cable and connect it to an open spot on the PSU then? Thanks for the info.
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