Looking Glass - Triage

256MB seems way too big for the shared memory file, see if it’s any better with 32MB? That’s all you need for 1080p.

Thanks, but I was originally doing 4k and the calculated amount was 128MB.

The issue also happened on 128MB. I tried 256MB just to see if it changed anything.

I’ll try 32MB in a bit.

Issue persists with 32MB. There are some errors now though.


Yup, that’s the log.

Memory size doesn’t affect performance, however @lessaj is correct that 32MB is plenty for 1080p.

Is the IVSHMEM device actually set to 32MB?

Have you tried any other 3d applications to determine if your iGPU is at fault for the performance issues? Ie glxgears

Ah yes it’s just how much can be used, doesn’t mean it all will be. My bad on that.

Yes, the file on the host node /dev/shm/looking-glass is indeed 32MB.

I’m able to run torchlight @ 4k on the intel 630 at roughly 45 FPS.

Does enable_fcb need to be set to 1 in the i915.conf? Currenly enable_guc=2 is set.

Edit: Nope. Those options do nothing.

Edit2: Okay, I’ve looked into this some more. When looking-glass is running the CPU usage is through the roof. It says 35% usage on the application, but according to ksysguard it’s spiking on at least 2 threads at 100% usage. I’ll have to dig into this more when I have the time.

Intel GPU usage is actually down significantly after enabling fbc.

Would you be willing to provide me with remote access via SSH so that I can profile and debug this issue on your system?
If so, here is my SSH public key

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA3USb3Ps9UrEJZGsVhu59rmbb8dN2Ntp1EyqwMCKQueGpWuolzcVHPPiiqZX1nDle3exudPUg9e/uqeqK2TOASBdXeGK5Ca9d536NcxolZVGlQLySaR7tXF6ciZhHovJAzNRx8n21MXVzsIoNO/NjXM6+OEDayMvxe6NMxAzdJY1zO7ItPk2dKshI5sbC77ZgxI1oYzlpM6eMSCpkIz+3gigO8GKZ6Pcq3n05sVKuTpa6SVl1U5/ZNzunIuXn5ETzTIVOdWJ/3b69fosY+FB33Vssjfi0Auke5AYN865RlIoOK9M5bQW6sEVlI21tb8UOGyGoN0Np1A3fMHNiSHL8kw== geoff

My internal networks a little complicated. Do you need access to the host node or the linux VM?

I’ll get a cheap vps and setup wireguard or something later on today.

Just the host node will be enough as that is where the performance issue is.

Edit: Sorry, I missed the fact that you are using VM->VM, I will need just access to the Linux VM.

Shot the IP at you through discord DM.

I am on Arch 5.1.7 with the latest looking glass build from the AUR.

Looking glass was working a week ago, tried to fire it up today and I am getting:

[E]            texture.c:229  | egl_texture_setup              | glMapBufferRange failed for 0 of 4227072 bytes
[E]            desktop.c:234  | egl_desktop_perform_update     | Failed to setup the desktop texture
[E]                egl.c:540  | egl_render                     | Failed to perform the desktop update

Tried downloading the latest Windows exe both stable and bleeding but getting the same error. Tried cleanbuilding the AUR package, same errors.

Any ideas?

What is your GPU?

AMD Radeon HD4850 on host and NVIDIA GTX 960 on guest

That’s a very old card (11 years old), not at all surprised it’s not working great. It likely doesn’t support glMapBufferRage with coherent maps, which we require.

Perhaps revert to the OpenGL renderer

./looking-glass-client app:renderer=OpenGL

Yes I know, it is just a placeholder for now but used to work fine a week ago.

I should probably downgrade and check again.

Thanks for the replies!

That worked perfectly! Thanks again!

Any idea why my Windows registry entry stopped working?

I have to start Looking Glass manually on every boot now.

Edit: Reverted back to a-12 from b1-rc5 and works again

Because you’re now supposed to use Task Scheduler :wink:


Could you specify what to put in the Task Scheduler in order to work for this version?

Here is mine, but for some reason it doesn’t work (it is run but the log is Task Scheduler successfully completed task "\Looking Glass", instance (...), action (...)\looking-glass-host.exe with return code 4294967295 or code 3221225477.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.4" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">
    <URI>\Looking Glass</URI>
    <Principal id="Author">
  <Actions Context="Author">

What kind of user account are you using to log in, standard or admin? And the user account you’re using to run the new task, are they different users?