I am currently using an HDMI switch to switch between my CPU HDMI and GPU HDMI, along with QEMU for the Windows 10 virtual machine. I am using version B2-rc4 and when Looking Glass opens, it gets stuck on the logo screen, and if I switch to my GPU HDMI, it slows the VM down to a halt. Closing Looking Glass on my Linux machine will then resume the Windows machine and open everything that I tried to open when LG was running. Let me know if you need more information, I’m new at this.
Thank you!
Host Logs:
30018843 [I] platform.c:329 | app_init | System timer resolution: 48.82 ns
30019472 [I] app.c:444 | app_main | Looking Glass Host (B2-rc4-0-g969effedde)
30025420 [I] app.c:454 | app_main | IVSHMEM Size : 32 MiB
30025741 [I] app.c:455 | app_main | IVSHMEM Address : 0x2540000
30026022 [I] app.c:456 | app_main | Max Pointer Size : 64 KiB
30026323 [I] app.c:457 | app_main | KVMFR Version : 2
30026613 [I] app.c:505 | app_main | Max Frame Size : 15 MiB
30026930 [I] app.c:520 | app_main | Trying : NVFBC (NVidia Frame Buffer Capture)
30036011 [I] wrapper.cpp:88 | NvFBCInit | NvFBC SDK Version: 112
30196845 [I] app.c:520 | app_main | Trying : DXGI
30277918 [I] dxgi.c:388 | dxgi_init | Device Descripion: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
30278254 [I] dxgi.c:389 | dxgi_init | Device Vendor ID : 0x10de
30278514 [I] dxgi.c:390 | dxgi_init | Device Device ID : 0x13c2
30278795 [I] dxgi.c:391 | dxgi_init | Device Video Mem : 4043 MiB
30279075 [I] dxgi.c:392 | dxgi_init | Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB
30279332 [I] dxgi.c:393 | dxgi_init | Shared Sys Mem : 5118 MiB
30279624 [I] dxgi.c:394 | dxgi_init | Feature Level : 0xb100
30279902 [I] dxgi.c:395 | dxgi_init | Capture Size : 1920 x 1080
30280256 [I] dxgi.c:396 | dxgi_init | AcquireLock : enabled
30281421 [I] dxgi.c:518 | dxgi_init | Source Format : DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM
30282255 [I] app.c:542 | app_main | Using : DXGI