but the one review says it doesnt work with external monitors? is that a thing? I just assumed if your laptop supported video over usb then any usbc cable would work.
Bonus points if its braided. I think I'm going to buy the above one anyways but would have liked to have a shorter one
Bleh yeah that would be a step backwards for me. The monitor i have came with a usbc-usbc straight-straight cable that WORKS, but if the one coming out of the monitor was a 90 it would be better thats the reason I was looking for one
Looks like you are stuck with either straight or a dongle it wouldn't look pretty, only thing I can thing of is rip the connecvtor off, solder it doan, put some shrink wrap around it.
Or find a custom cable company. It's a weird cable to find, I am sure within the next few months to a year someone will start manufacturing one though.