Looking for friends on PC gaming platforms

Hello All,

I'm looking to find some friends to play games with a few times during the work week and when the weekends allow.
I play mostly FPS but am open to other games.

PM me if interested.

Check me out on any PC platform (steam, origin, GOG, Uplay); I always use the profile name scottym19342.

Take it easy everyone.

I'm not very good at FPS. I recently got back into Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare because the mod scene is really good. I don't play any multiplayer games on Uplay. I have some but they are not installed. I rarely play Titanfall 1 or 2 because I suck.

I play Rocket League every day, I take YouTube lessons and at times I don't suck. I am really interested in starting a Level 1 Techs gaming squad (not just for Rocket League).

In know L1T uses PGP, but do L1T members already have a team? It seems like they probably would, but IDK. How is this for a Level 1 Techs team name?

scuderia L1T or [sL1T] gamertag

Scuderia means "stable" in the Italian language.

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It seems I add friends all the time and for one reason or another I never get messaged to play. My Steam handle is DeViLzzz on one account but I have so many accounts for so many different online gaming memberships. I will go over them and post them all here in the near future.


MAAADD MS Paint Skillz

If anyone wants to add me, Feel free!

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@Positron- I think I added you. Let's play some Rocket league sometime.

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I think I added you as well. Check your friend requests.

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@KenPC- I added you as well.

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I don't see your request. I sent you one.

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I run a gaming clan called flying monkeys in space, you can join us anytime during the days since we're international. You'll be hard pressed to find one of our players for some rocket league though, probably about 6 of them play it.

Teamspeak: ts.fmisgaming.com

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Add me!

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Just an FYI, we got the thread for that over here

Hmm, the OP looks to be due for an update