I have Battlefield 4 and playing without friends isn't just a fun experience to me.
I'm 16 and I'm mature but I do goof around and mostly just have a good time. However I do like to win.
I have skype and a Teamspeak server if people want to join that!
If interested add me on steam: Mister ShinY or Origin: Cpl_ShinY
BTW: I live on the East Coast of the U.S in New Jersey
keep an eye out for my request! might not be able to play RIGHT now though.
Added you, and i'm just about to start up a game.
November 17, 2013, 6:09am
Looking to play a couple games! Anyone want to jump on?
November 18, 2013, 7:07am
Are you guys from US and playing on US servers ?
November 18, 2013, 1:58pm
Give me an add i'll join you guys. From England so i might have a high ping.
I'm in the same boat as you, my friends are caught up in the PS4/ xbone whirlwind to join the master race.
Steam: Autophobia
Origin: FearofOneself
Does tek have a vent that we can use? Potentially grab more players from there?
EDIT: I live in Toronto
Here's the ip for the teamspeak server: doom.clanwarz.com:1134 (thanks to 3lem3ntz for setting it up)
Also, check out this thread: https://teksyndicate.com/forum/pc-gaming/need-bf4-team/159600
Hey guys quick update, looking for more people to play with! If you like to have conversations and play objective please by all means post below or add me!
You can add me. Same name as on the forum. I've been looking for some extra people to play with!!
New to the forums, but casually playing BF4 now. Mature player, and I'm on when I can make the time.
Origin: Recongremlin
Steam: Grymlyn
Hit me up...