Recently I’ve been thinking about getting some mass storage. Mostly inspired by stuff learned at the job, providing space for various code projects.
Thing is, looking up stuff mostly lists Synology and they seem to have a lot of products out over the years, with varying specs and capacities.
And I wonder: is that even the only company providing stuff like this? Probably not?
So I guess this is a question about “what is the most capable/modern stuff and where do I find it/compare it”?
Also, I might get a system with a lot of slots, but only fill 2 and then more a while later… with more modern/better harddrives/ssd/… Should this be something I look out for? In the sense of compatibility?
Also, Gen4 PCIE is upon us? Is there modern stuff that already uses it? Maybe later?
I’ve got all these questions and am not really sure how to look at this stuff.
Any advice would be welcome.
EDIT: Oh, another thing I don’t know about: how safe is this? Suppose I put this thing on my internal network, and then some recent windows bug allows an attack access into the internal network. How to prevent access to it?
Or is that more a situation of, if that happens, there’s no protecting it?