Looking for an actually good flagman

Good time of the day, community.

I am “attempting” to actually find an Android based smart phone device, which is actually good in terms of both hardware AND software (I am a Silly Billy, agree).

Here is the thing - I have been using smart phones from the days of Android 4.0 (if not earlier, don’t remember if it was 2.something even). And I switched a few devices, which had either hardware problems, or most likely, software ones.

Samsung gave me the biggest headaches in the days with the quality of how they developed the OS for their products - a few month and only factory reset returned the device to not-a-sluggish experience with errors, stutters and other joys of life. I passed a few of them (first there was Bada-mtss), and that was even worse.

I even hoped that “they actually fixed something” when I was buying a Samsung TV two years ago - nope. Still a disappointment - you can have the bottom bar not disappearing after 3 seconds (and stays till infinity), turn on animations not knowing how to actually animate and other things.

But then there was OnePlus 7 pro. That one worked like a Swiss clock for 4 years - you could actually get the phone from your pocket, unblock it, do what you need and put it back. You actually could rely on it working (now there’s a silly statement) “as expected”.

But then something changed (my assumptions are that they hired a new generation of developers… or managers of managers and stuff like that) and I received a fresh hot steaming cup of “major update”. Well… it didn’t take long for me to make that “MMmmm, tasty” sound of the new update when my bt headphones, which had zero problems for the past year, started to get picked up by the phone in 15 seconds (instead of 1-2), then 60, 180… then I just turned them on and decided to see if they would actually get discovered (they did not).

The support told me “hey, how about you do a factory reset”. This was funny, because my original mail request had a statement “if you dare to suggest such a solution I will reply in an unpolite manner” (half of the small tweaks, notes and other NON-cloud-backed-up stuff are already a reason for me to simply buy a second phone).

In the end I found that if I reset the BT service data every few month, it returns to normal… for some time.

But that was the last time I would consider a oneplus phone.

So I started looking for a replacement (and here I am… also on a few other forums that can actually give me some non-promoted-payed information).

Sony’s flagman forum already gave me a red light in terms of software. So did Motorola’s. Samsung… yeah, NO.

And I don’t even want to look in the direction of MediaTek chinese phones (you buy them, you love them, you throw them out in a year… “Average consumer” achievement unlocked).

Hoping to hear some good ideas here.

Small note: I’m not in US, but somewhere “near” EU (by this I mean that if there’s some Fairphone… or what was it called, which is made in US… I will not have the possibility of getting my hands on it).

Thanks in advance.