Looking for a rail kit to mount SST-RM61-312

Hello again, L1Tech!
I’m planning on adding SST-RM61-312 into my rack sooner than later.
The problem is - the only rail kit on the market right now (which is SST-RMS09-20) is too short for my rack (which is 750mm deep)

The only other rail kit Silverstone suggests is SST-RMS01, which is apparently long out of production, since there’s exactly one shop (https://www.scorptec.com.au/product/cases/server-&-rackmount-accessories/61604-sst-rms01) in Australia which has them still in stock. The shipping itself will cost double the price of rails.

What i’m asking is - are there any other compatible rail kits? Sure, i can put it on a shelf or some “universal” rails, like the one used for heavy UPS’es, but then the bottom compartment of the case will become unreachable. Both because the bottom door would lie on the rails, and because the assembled system will certainly weigh 17kg+, making it pretty much immovable for me.

Did try to ask Silverstone directly about it, but apparently all their contact forms are broken:

Hey DROZD01.

Did you ever find a rail kit for this chassis? I just ordered a RM61-312 for as a storage solution and was looking at the RMS09-20 rails as well but noted the same issue with my rack depth. I was content with using a shelf but sliding rails would be oh so nice!

Unfortunately, no. Silverstone never replied to my requests sent through the form on their website.